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By F.B.Meyer.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God” (Matt. 5 v9).

This beatitude follows the one in which our Saviour shows the bliss of the pure in heart, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God”.

The order of these beatitudes is extremely instructive, and one leads to the other like the steps of a great staircase, ever upward to the climax. Obviously purity of heart must precede peacemaking for this reason, it is only the pure in heart who can see God, and it is only in so far as we see God going forth to make peace that we can follow His example. As it was true of Christ, so it is true of us, all true living must be the reflection of what we see the Father doing (John 5 v19). Everything Jesus did was the reflection of the movements of His Father’s nature. When He created the universe He was working out the creative thought of His Father, and when He stepped from His throne and the angel’s anthem told of peace on earth, it was only that He might fulfil in our sin-stricken world the deep yearning of the Father’s heart. Finally, when our Lord Jesus Christ died upon the Cross it was not the act and deed of His loving heart apart from the Father, but just the repetition, in terms that man could read and understand, of yearnings and pity in the Father’s heart. And so all through this wonderful era Jesus Christ is still working amongst us to achieve the Divine purposes.

Purity of heart in which others see God is necessary for peacemaking. There is not much hope for any of us, with our limited resources and powers, to accomplish much of this great work of peacemaking in the world if we rely only on ourselves. Our power is multiplied when we have learnt to see God, to live in communion with Christ, to open up to the blessed Holy Spirit, the Dove of Peace, that we may co-operate with God, and watching Him may do on earth what He is doing in heaven. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”. The two are very closely linked.

We must be prepared for sacrifices. God made peace by blood. It is wonderful to realise that when all our world and race were at war with God, He, at infinite cost, put out of the way the cause of hostility. But He could only do it at the cost of blood. I do not understand all that is meant by making peace through the blood of the Cross. We know that the blood is the life, and that when on Calvary the blood of God’s Lamb was shed, it was as though the life of the Son of God were poured out. He was the substitute and sacrifice for sin. 

Being utterly exhausted and helpless, as to His natural life, He was lifted up to become the Second Adam, and to give life to all. There is an objective side in which the death of Christ deals with God’s broken law, and a subjective side in which the death of Christ somehow deals with our fallen nature, but all we need to emphasise now is the fact that when God made peace it was based on righteousness, and the demands of righteousness were met at the cost of infinite suffering. If we are to make peace with others it may well be at heavy cost to ourselves. It will cost us something to make and maintain peace. We shall have to sacrifice our pride, reputation, the maintenance of our fancied rights, to say nothing of ease and self-indulgence, if we are to repair the wrong of the evil-doer, and mend broken relationships.

We should always carry within us the peace of God. God is the centre of peace from whose nature the undulations of ever-widening circles of peace are spreading through the world. We were once at enmity, but we have been graciously attracted back to Him and as His children have become filled with His peace. ‘‘Let the peace of God rule in your heart”. We shall never be able to make peace in the world until we have learnt the secret of peace ourselves. Let Jesus Christ utter His word “Peace to you”. Let Him show you His hands and His side. Let Him breathe upon you the spirit of peace, and say, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. Let that peace stand sentinel at your heart’s gate. Be careful to watch against the intrusion of anxiety, care and worry. Do not let the cries of the world’s fever and tumult break the Sabbath-peace of your heart. Live in peace. 

Suffer wrong rather than allow peace to be broken on your account. Follow peace with all. Carry always in your heart the serene calm and on your face the placid look. Let there be no jarring, irritated note in your voice. Let all your movements be consistent with the rhythm of God’s perfect peace. Go through the world with soft tread, carrying everywhere the atmosphere of God’s home. And then at night, having done all, by your act, your look, your word, your behaviour, to instil peace into this troubled world, return back to your Father’s bosom. Go back to the God of peace and steep your weary soul in His infinite restfulness, tell Him all your anxiety for yourself and others, and the God of peace will give you peace. So we shall shed the peace of heaven over the sorrows and troubles of earth.

From: ‘Blessed are Ye’.