- Overcomer Literature Trust
- Swindon
- Wiltshire
The Overcomer Magazine - July 2011 - October 2011.
God's Answer to our Need
Click on the article title above for individual articles in this edition.
By Thomas a Kempis
Unto many this seemeth an hard speech, “Deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow JESUS”. But much harder will it be to hear that last word, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire”.
For they who now willingly hear and follow the word of the cross shall not then fear to hear the sentence of everlasting damnation. This sign of the cross shall be in the heaven when the Lord shall come to judgment. Then all the servants of the cross, who in their life-time conformed themselves unto Christ crucified, shall draw near unto Christ the judge with great confidence.
Why therefore fearest thou to take up the cross which leadeth thee to a kingdom? In the cross is salvation, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection against our enemies, in the cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness, in the cross is strength of mind, in the cross joy of spirit, in the cross the height of virtue, in the cross the perfection of sanctity. There is no salvation of the soul, nor hope of everlasting life, but in the cross.
Take up therefore thy cross and follow JESUS and thou shalt go into life everlasting. He went before, bearing his cross and died for thee on the cross that thou mightest also bear thy cross and desire to die on the cross with him. For if thou be dead with him, thou shalt also live with him.
From ‘The Imitation of Christ’.
My dear Friends,
Greetings in our Saviour’s Name. The Royal Way of the Cross is not just ‘teaching’ or doctrine but a very practical outworking of the truths of God’s Word in the life of the believer. In this edition of ‘The Overcomer’ we are looking at some of the ways in which God is working out His purposes in His people through the death and resurrection of our Saviour on our behalf. As with so much of God’s working, He has done it already for us, or is wanting to do His work in and through us, but as Paul wrote in Romans 5 v2 it is ‘through faith’ that God’s purposes are worked out in our lives. We have to open up to the Spirit of God and in effect, say, ‘Yes’.
May God give us the grace to say ‘Yes’ to Him. The peace of the Lord be with all His people.
Michael Metcalfe.