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The Overcomer Magazine - March 2012 - June 2012

'Christ our Life'

Click on the titles of articles above for individual articles in this edition.


That we ought to deny ourselves

By Thomas a Kempis

My son, the more thou canst go out of thyself, so much the more wilt thou be able to enter into Me.


I wish thee to learn perfect resignation of thyself to My will, without contradiction or complaint.


Follow thou Me. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Without the Way, there is no going; without the Truth, there is no knowing; without the Life, there is no living. I AM the way, which thou oughtest to follow; the Truth, which thou oughtest to trust; the Life which thou oughtest to hope for.


I AM the only Way, the infallible Truth, the endless Life.


I AM the straightest Way, the supreme Truth, the true, the blessed, the uncreated Life.


If thou remain in My way, thou shalt know the Truth, and the Truth shall make thee free and thou shalt lay hold on eternal Life. If thou wilt reign with Me, bear the Cross with Me.


From ‘Of the Imitation of Christ’.




The Editor’s Letter


My dear Friends,


The older I get, the faster time seems to pass, and everything around seems to change. How good it is to know that He does not change, and that time does not weary Him. In this edition we look at some of the wonderful truths which are ours as Christ becomes our life. I pray that we all may be drawn ever closer to our Lord, and allow Him deeper and deeper into our innermost beings, so that Paul’s words may be true of us, as they were true of him, “For me to live is Christ’.


The blessing of our Lord and Saviour be with you all. Yours in His wonderful Name,


Michael Metcalfe.