The Overcomer Trust

  • Overcomer Literature Trust
  • Swindon
  • Wiltshire

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By the Editor

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11 v 28-29).

Heaven comes into the hearts of believers at conversion and joins them to God by the blessed Holy Spirit.  This connection to Heaven is the Spirit’s way of uniting them to Christ.  It is the Father’s way of promoting truth to its true position in their heart.  This union in turn shows them the way of victory and to victory in their life.  For they are now one with Wisdom Himself and no longer alone, or lacking hope and orphaned in a fallen world of sin.  Life should now no longer speak more loudly than the truth of the Word, the truth of the Cross and the truth of Heaven.

In their hearts that were once stone (Ezekiel 36 v26), the Lord implants by the new-birth His seal of Heaven, the Holy Spirit, through whom all the enemies of the Cross are cast out.  Just as our Lord Jesus threw out the money-changers from the Temple in Matthew chapter 21, so too false doctrines, false beliefs, past hurts and anxieties, hopelessness, loneliness, traumas, depressions, among other things, are removed when Heaven’s Spirit whispers Divine Biblical truth into the heart of the Christian.  For Jesus Christ said, “the truth will set you free” (John 8 v 32).  It is the truth of the finished work of the Cross by which the Father brings us freedom.  He says, “You are a new creation, no longer in condemnation.  You are forgiven now of all sin, redeemed, righteous and Holy because I am Holy.  You are an overcomer, clothed with the Armour of the Lord, which is the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, the belt of truth and the shoes of readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace (Ephesians 6 v10-18).  Now equipped, you are an able warrior in the Lord’s army and a child, born of the Father’s good pleasure.  You are a believer in the hope of salvation that sustains the weary.  Come unto Me and receive in your heart the message of truth that will cleanse your soul.”

It is the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that empowers us to abide in His truth all day long, to be our “belt” that supports us.  The Father showed humanity His love by coming in the likeness of sinful flesh, he lived among us and he died a criminal’s death on Calvary.  This was not in vain for He had a very special plan, the salvation of the individual in body, mind and spirit.  He called the disciples to the Upper Room, and at Pentecost he gave them His Holy Fire of the Spirit.  We too, as Christians, must daily go to our “Upper Room” and receive afresh the implanted Word of God into our hearts, for the renewing of our minds, and the power of God for our rest and peace.  Given these truths by His Spirit we are able to, firstly come to His throne of grace and secondly, receive from Him our daily bread of grace.  He will give us the “keys to the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 16 v19) when we ask, because He is a loving, faithful, true and loyal friend and Saviour.  The most important key to our success in Christ is the gift of His Holy Spirit.  Praise is due His almighty name!