The Overcomer Trust

  • Overcomer Literature Trust
  • Swindon
  • Wiltshire

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By A.W.Tozer.

Humankind appears to have a positive genius for twisting truth until it ceases to be truth. By overemphasising in one place and underemphasising in another the whole pattern of truth may be so altered that a completely false view results. There are still those who teach that we can be saved by accepting Jesus as Saviour without yielding to Him as Lord.

It seems odd that none of those who proclaim this error ever notice that the only true object of saving faith is the Lord Jesus Himself. God does not offer salvation to the one who will believe only in Christ as Saviour. We are not exhorted to believe in the atonement, nor in the cross, nor in the priesthood of the Saviour. All of these are embodied in the person of Christ, but they are never separated, nor is one ever isolated from the rest. Much less are we permitted to accept one of Christ’s graces and reject another. It is doubtful whether any one can be saved who comes to Christ for His help but with no intention of obeying Him. 

Christ as Saviour is forever united to Him as Lord. Look at the Scriptures, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved . . . the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom. 10 v9-13). The Lord is the object of faith for salvation. When the Philippian jailer asked the way to be saved, Paul replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16 v31). He did not tell him to believe on the Saviour with the thought that he could later take up the matter of His lordship. To Paul there could be no division. Christ must be Lord or He will not be Saviour.

There is no intention here to teach that the believer may not go on to explore the ever-increasing wonders in Christ, nor do we hold that our first saving contact with Christ will bring perfect knowledge of all He can be to us. All eternity will hardly be long enough to allow us to experience all the riches of His grace. As we discover new meanings in His titles we will grow in the knowledge of our Lord and in personal appreciation of Him and His love. He is Lord and Saviour.

From: ‘The Root of the Righteous’. 


Dear Friends,

In this edition of ‘The Overcomer’ magazine we are looking at the meanings of the Name of Jesus and particularly at the meaning of the title LORD.

I trust that these articles will be of encouragement and blessing as we walk with Him day by day, and seek to make Him known in a needy world.

May the Lord Jesus keep and bless you.

Praise Him with Hallelujahs, Jesus is LORD.

Yours in His wonderful Name,

Michael Metcalfe.