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By Mrs Jessie Penn-Lewis.

“He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand

. . . far above all . . . and raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 1 v20-21& Eph. 2 v6)

“Far above all.” Yes, this may be the continuous experience of every child of God. However great the difficulties, our Mighty Keeper is able to keep us at all times, and in all places. Joined to the Risen Lord we may be kept “far above” all our surroundings. The enemy would seek to drag us down, but Jesus can keep us “far above” our surroundings as we learn to live in His faithfulness, and cease to struggle and resist, but lie down in His will day by day and say ‘Yes, Lord’ to all that comes.

“Far above all.” How can this be? Only by knowing God’s deliverance from the life which keeps us in bondage to the things of the earth. Only by knowing, in the power of the Spirit, the full meaning of Calvary’s Cross. Not only has Christ died that we might be forgiven all our sins, but the apostle Paul tells us again and again that we too died with Him and were buried with Him through baptism into death (Rom. 6 v4).

The one condition of setting us free to live “far above all” in the power of His endless life is faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead (Col. 2 v12). But first we need to ask if we are really and honestly ready to be separated from all that holds us down and to let the Holy Spirit make to die all things that are not of God? (Rom. 8 v13).

The Holy Spirit will bear witness to our death in the death of the Lord Jesus if we are true in our desire to know all that it means and so fully prove the life which is “far above all” with the Risen Lord.

“Far above all.” If the things around worry us, the enemy has succeeded in pulling us down. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5 v1). We need simply to recognise our freedom and trust and praise our God that He is keeping us “far above all” as we face the things that would seek to drag us down,

“Far above all.” Lifted above earthly things and earthly surroundings the spirit dwells in God (Ps. 90 v1, Ps. 32 v7, John 6 v56, 1 John 3 v24). Here we see the King in His beauty and get such a vision of eternal realities that the things of time sink into their right place, and are valued at their true worth. Here we hide in the secret place of the Most High and find that “no disaster will come near” (Ps. 91 v1-10). “The Eternal God is our refuge” (Deut. 33 v27). We are “Your hidden ones” (Ps. 83 v3 A.V.) “Hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3 v3). “Hidden in His pavilion” (Ps. 27 v5 A.V.). “His chambers” (Song of Solomon 1 v4). His “banquet hall” (Song of Solomon 2 v4).“Safe from the accusing tongues” (Ps. 31 v20). Hidden “in the day of trouble” (Ps. 27 v5). “Hidden manna” given to us (Rev. 2 v17). Hidden “wisdom” revealed to us (1 Cor. 2 v7, Matt. 11 v25).“My people will live in peaceful dwelling-places” (Isa. 32 v18). “In the shelter of the Most High” (Ps. 91 v1).

“Far above all.” Here everything is the will of God to His child. Here we reverently say with Jesus, “Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given Me” (John 18 v11). There are no second causes to the soul hidden in God. Misunderstanding, sorrows and trials may come, but we seek to follow in the footsteps of Christ, in His gentleness, meekness, lowliness and love. For far above all, in the Spirit with God, we rejoice to be the servant of all in our dealings with others.

“Do you believe that I am able to do this? 

Yes, Lord"  (Matt. 9 v28).

From: “The Climax of the Risen Life”.