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STUDY 11    Reckon . . . dead indeed unto sin (Romans 6 v11).


Bible passages to be read: Romans 6, 1 Peter 2 v24, Luke 14 v25-33, Galatians 2 v20, Colossians 2 v20-3 v17, John 12 v24-26.


Romans 6 provides us with basic teaching on the Christian life, and one of the most enlightening spiritual exercises we can undertake is to read, meditate on, and pray over chapters 5-8 of  Romans. Many have been brought into a full understanding of their liberty in Christ by this means. Romans 6 puts forward two important questions. The first, in verse 3, is based on what the apostle takes to have been the normal instruction given at baptism. Always remember that baptism, however administered, is intended to be an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. It is almost as if he said, ‘Have you never been taught?’. The second, in verse 16, is based on the observation of real life, “Have you not seen, in experience, and therefore know?”.


Now look carefully at Romans 6. In verses 3-10 certain facts are stated concerning the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, then in verses 11-14 are outlined our corresponding and necessary reactions to these facts.

1. What are these reactions, and what is God prepared to do for us practically in every day life through those things He has already accomplished for us in and through the Cross?


The rest of the chapter, verses 15-23, deals with such matters as obedience, freedom, fruit, and eternal life.

2. Comment briefly on the teaching given here about each of these.


1 Peter 2 v24 puts simply and plainly the same teaching that is given in Romans 3.

3. Comment on this statement, and say what you gather from this verse in the form of practical guidance 

in Christian living.


It is sometimes argued that teaching concerning the Cross and the believer is only given in the epistles, and was not in the mind of the Saviour Himself. Luke 14 v25-33 deals with this.

4. Comment on this passage, and pick out three marks of discipleship given in it.


Galatians 2 v20, which one writer has called ‘the sum and substance’ of Christianity, deals with the same fundamental relationship between the Cross and daily Christian living. Paul has been pointing out that we can never live in harmony with God “by the works of the law”.

5. In the light of this fact, make your own comment, phrase by phrase, on this verse.


Now we may turn to Colossians 2 v20 - 3 v7. In Chapter 2 we are shown another aspect of our union with Christ in His death, and see that we are cut off from outward ritual and an asceticism which are not of any value against the indulgence of the flesh (v23). In chapter 3 we see that having died with Him, we may now live with Him.

6. In the light of this passage discuss the thought that in Christian living, death and life cannot be separated, but that we must always stand on the negative side of our death with Him before we can enter into, or “put on” the new beauties of life in Christ.


John 2 v24-26 takes us still a stage further, and shows that our death with Him is the source of all fruit-bearing.

7. What do you take to be the meaning of the call, “If any man serve me, let him follow me”, follow where to?