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Sanctuary Life in the Psalms

By Mrs Jessie Penn-Lewis



“Whither as a Forerunner Jesus entered for us” (Heb. 6 v20)


1. The crucifixion of Christ foreshadowed.

“Why do the nations rage . . . kings . . . rulers take counsel together” (v1-2).

See Acts 4 v26-28, where this passage is cited as foretelling the tragedy of Calvary.


2. The Anointed Christ.

“Against the Lord, and against His Anointed” (v2).

Comp. John 1 v41 mar., “we have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted ' Anointed '." See too Acts 10 v38.


3. The cause of the rage revealed.

“Let us break their bands asunder” (v3).

Contrast Matt. 11 v30. “My yoke is easy.” Christ was a witness against sin (see John 7 v7), and the rage at Calvary was but the culminating attempt of the world, the flesh, and the devil, to cast off His claims and His rule.


4. The Omnipotence of God.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision” (v4).

See John 19 v11 and Acts 4 v28.


5. God's purpose fulfilled.

a)The Resurrection. “The Lord said . . . Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee” (v7),

Compare Heb. 1 v5 and Rev. 1 v5, “The Firstborn of the dead.” The "holy hill of Zion” in the Psalms foreshadows the spiritual “Mount Zion” of Heb. 12 v22 and the “Holiest of All” of Heb. 9 v8. Jesus entered as our Forerunner; rejected and crucified on earth He was exalted in heaven.

b) The Ascension. “Yet have I set My Anointed upon My holy hill of Zion” (v6).

“Yet” in spite of the rage and apparent triumph of the powers of darkness. "Yet have I set My King”. “Through His own blood, entered in once for all” (Heb. 9 v12).

c) The Father’s promise to the Ascended Son. “Ask of Me, and I will give Thee” (v8).


6. The Son's inheritance.

“I will give Thee the nations for Thine inheritance” (v8).

“Whom He appointed heir of all things” (Heb. 1 v2). Comp. John 17 v9 as the firstfruits, Heb. 1 v8 and Phil. 2 v 9-11 as the unfolding of God’s purpose and plan. See too that the inheritance is actually and really in the saints (Eph. 1 v18) the individual believers gathered out from the

nations, and joined to the Lord, one spirit.


7. The Son's authority.

“Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron” (v9).

(Comp. Rev. 2 v26-27 & Matt. 28 v18.)


8. The present call of grace.

“Now therefore be wise . . . be instructed” (v10).

“Kiss the Son” (lay hold of) (v12).

“Take refuge in Him” (v12).

“Happy are all they that take refuge in Him” (v12, mar.).